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Stakes and Rewards

Stakes and Rewards is a learning strategy that involves setting up personal incentives or consequences to motivate and maintain focus on learning goals. This approach leverages the principles of behavioral psychology, where rewards are used to reinforce positive behavior and stakes (or consequences) deter negative behavior.

Implementing Stakes and Rewards

  • Set Clear Goals: Define specific learning objectives that are measurable and achievable.
  • Establish Rewards: Choose rewards that are meaningful and motivating for you. This could be anything from a small treat to a larger reward for achieving a significant milestone.
  • Determine Stakes: Similarly, set up stakes or consequences for not meeting your goals. These should be reasonable and not overly punitive but enough to motivate action.
  • Accountability: Share your goals and the stakes/rewards system with a friend, family member, or peer for accountability.


  • Increased Motivation: The prospect of earning a reward or avoiding a negative consequence can boost motivation.
  • Behavioral Reinforcement: Rewards reinforce the habit of studying regularly, while stakes discourage procrastination or lack of effort.
  • Focus on Objectives: Helps maintain focus on specific learning objectives.

Balancing the Approach

  • Ensure that the rewards and stakes are proportionate to the goals set.
  • Avoid overly harsh consequences that might lead to stress or negative associations with learning.
  • Remember that intrinsic motivation (learning for the sake of learning) is as important as extrinsic motivators like rewards and stakes.

Applications in Learning:

  • Rewarding Consistency: Set up a reward for consistent daily or weekly study sessions.
  • Stakes for Procrastination: Establish a consequence for missing study deadlines, such as donating to a charity or doing additional chores.


Stakes and Rewards is a strategic approach to self-motivation in learning, combining the allure of rewards with the deterrence of consequences to create a powerful motivational system. When used effectively, this strategy can significantly enhance focus and commitment to learning goals, making the educational journey more engaging and productive.


  • "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink
  • "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" by Charles Duhigg
  • Research on motivational psychology and the effects of reward systems in learning