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Interleaving is a learning technique that involves mixing different topics or forms of practice in order to facilitate learning. Unlike blocked practice, where one focuses on a single topic or skill before moving to another, interleaving entails switching between different topics or types of problems during a single study session.

Interleaving Technique Representation

How It Works

  • Variation in Practice: Instead of practicing one skill at a time, you mix various skills or subjects within the same study period.
  • Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: By interleaving different topics, learners are challenged to constantly adapt and apply different strategies, enhancing their problem-solving abilities.
  • Better Preparation for Testing: This method mimics the unpredictable nature of real-world scenarios and exams, where different types of problems or questions are encountered in a random order.


  • Improves Memory Retention: Interleaving strengthens memory and aids in long-term retention of material.
  • Facilitates Deeper Learning: It encourages deeper understanding as learners must constantly switch gears and apply different concepts or methods.
  • Reduces Boredom: By varying topics, interleaving keeps study sessions fresh and engaging.

Incorporating Interleaving into Learning

  • Mix Subjects or Concepts: When studying, switch between different subjects or concepts at regular intervals.
  • Apply to Different Skills: This technique is not limited to theoretical knowledge; it can be applied to skills such as musical instruments, sports, or art.
  • Use with Spaced Repetition: Combine interleaving with spaced repetition for optimal learning efficiency.


Interleaving is a powerful approach to learning that challenges the traditional methods of mastering one topic before moving to the next. By incorporating variety and complexity into study sessions, interleaving helps build a more robust understanding and retention of the material, preparing learners for the unpredictability of real-life applications and assessments.


  • "Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning" by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark A. McDaniel
  • Research papers on cognitive science and education exploring the benefits of interleaving
  • Studies on the application of interleaving in various fields such as mathematics, language learning, and skill acquisition
  • The interleaving effect